The Challenge Of Keeping The Radio Industry


It is no longer a common bonding activity for young people to call the radio DJ to request their favorite song and wait for it to play, chat with acquaintances over the phone, greet family and friends through the radio and sometimes even consulting love problems to your favorite DJ. In this day and age of online communication, how do the people behind the radio industry survive? How do they keep pace with the growing and unstoppable innovations that are happening on the internet?…

The Radio Isn’t Dead

When was the last time that you listened to the radio? Try your best to think this about this because nine times out of ten, you will say no. We live in the age where you can listen to anything that you want and it doesn’t have to be from the radio. Why would you listen to it when you can just pull up your favorite video on YouTube? What new information could it have outside of your radio? It is because of all these alternatives that people think that the radio is dead and that could not be further from the truth. The radio provides a lot of media help as it is still one of the most widely used.

The Pulse Of The Radio

The radio is still alive and well even if you are not entirely aware of it. It is always in the background of many places that you are in like the gym or at work. Many of your favorite companies still support it with ad revenues because there are plenty of people who live their lives on the road or who just travel for hours in a car and they listen to the radio.

Does that mean every radio station is alive and thriving? No, but when you can consistently draw the attention of thousands of people, then, it should not be overlooked. There are even radio stations that are doing things to keep themselves alive such as having their alternative broadcasting stations or YouTube accounts. IHeartRadio is even opening up Apps that will allow you to listen to all the newest music for free.

The Heart Of The Radio

This is why the radio will never die because there is music. Sure, there are plenty of places where you can download free music, but will you risk contracting a virus on your computer or phone? The amount of viruses and attacks that are transferred through the use of torrents are risky. It is not like replacing parts of your computer is cheap either. To replace your motherboard, what is commonly attacked, can cost you five hundred dollars at least. Labor to fix the computer or phone is another issue.

Back to the music, there are plenty of songs that cannot be found anywhere on the internet such as those from Garth Brooks. Go ahead and look for it if you do not believe me. There are plenty of country singers and other smart musicians, who want to get paid for their work, so they are refusing to upload their music on the internet.The radio is the only place where you can still listen to new music after a hundred years.

The Soul Of The Radio

Lastly, the soul of the radio is something that keeps people interested, but that applies even to the alternatives. One thing that keeps media afloat is the person behind the mic. It could be that person’s deep voice keeps you drawn or even the way that they present themselves.


Granted we no longer live in the age of radio personality since all of these alternative sources of audio entertainment has created characters that are worth noting, just remember this – the internet is not a person. With the radio, you can listen to people who share the same views as you. They have shows that can be meaningful and real. There is only one absolute truth throughout this entire article, and that is the radio is not dead.…

Power Of The Radio

Have you ever sat down and listened to the radio? It was once the most powerful tool in the world simply because people listened to it every night. Strangely, radio was the biggest tool of the century in so many ways and continues to impact our lives today. However, can it really be the outlet for big-brand messages? Can you really trust what the radio tells you and shouldn’t there be some sort of censorship? Check it here!

The Biggest Outlet for Promotion and Advertising Today

Online Censorship

Who honestly thinks the Internet needs to be censored? For millions, they think it’s unnecessary to censor the web and that it does do no harm. Well, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case and people abuse the web as they do in a lot of other things. That is why there is a real need for censorship online. There is some level of censorship currently but it isn’t enough and more must be done.

Does Online Censorship Really Work?

Yes, online censorship can work. When there is an appropriate level of censorship you can ensure a child isn’t accessing materials they should not be seeing. Also, adults can be prevented from accessing materials in the same manner. Of course, people can look at other resources to find out certain pieces of information but the internet is really the biggest information outlet so censoring it can, in fact, be very effective, to say the least. Online censorship is there for a host of reasons and it might just help you too.

Why More Censorship Is Needed

Censoring The Media

We see, read, and hear the media on a daily basis and yet we never think how much of it is censored. You wouldn’t think media needed to be censored and yet so much of it is. There is a lot of censorship going on and it’s getting to a point where people are curious why. However, when it comes to censoring the media, how possible it is? Why is censoring needed and can it help you?

Is It Possible To Censor The Media?

Media can be censored. Any media outlet can, in fact, be censored with the right measures put into place. It’s whether the right ones are acted upon. For some, they think putting out certain images to the media or information is going to sell more and believe censorship is rubbished. However, there are reasons why people need censorship and, to be honest, it is a hardship to censor all media. Currently, the media is censored to a certain degree but it’s not always easy or possible to censor depending on the content and indeed the outlet for the media. For instance, media online is very hard to censor as many sites want to offer the bigger picture. get online details from