Music Therapy: Does It Work?

There are many things that you need to remember when it comes to taking good care of your mental health. Keep in mind that no matter how healthy you are physical, there will still come a time in your life when you will start to have issues with your mental wellness. When that time comes, everything that you have in your life may be gone. As such, it is vital on your part to see to it that you take good care of your mental health.




One of the best ways on how to improve how you feel and the way you handle your issues is to try seeing a therapist. The best thing about having a therapist is that you can have someone to open up to. This professional can be your source of strength and power, especially in times of sadness and confusion. One of the effective methods used by mental health experts in helping their patients is music therapy. According to Kim McMillin, LMHC, LMFT, “Music actually changes the chemistry of the brain! Music can be used to increase daily functioning. Music is a right brain activity (music making) that can be used to compensate for lack of left brain functioning (ability to sequence, speech”


Unfortunately, there are still some individuals who do not believe that this kind of therapist works. Some think that therapy is not as important as it seems. For today’s article, allow us to give you the top reasons why you must consider going to music therapy. Here are the things that you must know:




It Reminds You Of A Good Memory


Are you aware that there are days when all you need is to remind yourself of the good memories that you have so that you can start to feel better? Sadly, there are days when thinking about these moments may be challenging. Do not fret because music therapy can help you in this aspect. Some songs can evoke special memories. “Music has been a part of human life for as long as we can track its history. It is present in every human culture on Earth. And it seems that music is everywhere in the modern world!”, states psychologist Dr. Victoria Williamson. Some fantastic and wonderful memories have been suppressed in your mind because of bad experiences. Now is the best time to relive those moments and allow them to improve your feelings.


It Connects Troubled Persons


Some married couples choose to go through music therapy because it can remind them of the love that they have for each other. Some marital problems exist because couples forget how they value each other. Music therapy can be an exciting way of how to show them that staying together is the best option. It is one of the reasons why several therapists or counselors use this in fixing a marriage.




It Takes Away Sadness


If you are grieving because of the loss of a loved one, do not worry because there is something that can help you improve what you are feeling at the moment. All you have to do is to start considering music therapy sessions. Several professionals in your area specialize in using music during the various meetings for therapy. According to psychiatrist Ira Altschuler, “Music, even more than the spoken word, lends itself as a therapy because it meets with little or no intellectual resistance and does not need to appeal to logic to initiate action.” Make sure that you take advantage of the services that they are offering. Choose the right therapist for you, and everything will soon feel okay on your part.


What are you waiting for? Start music therapy now if you believe that you need to get one.