There are two worlds of radio in this day and age – the old and the new. The old world of radio, that we will be discussing here, is what everyone knows as the “traditional radio”. This site has a wonderful article that talks about the new age of radio, but how do you know enough about the old? Are there radio companies hiring even at this digital time? I just got my public relations degree, how do I use it here? Well, sit back as I will attempt to answer all of these questions while at the same time teaching you the key fundamentals to staying on the radio – even if listening to iTunes or Spotify is more convenient.
Connections, Connections, Connections
Let’s just say that you are still in college, then, one of the first things that you want to do is find people in your field. There is no guarantee that you are going to get a job straight out of college and someone that you know with a bit of experience can get you far – this is connection. This can be anyone from a professor to the person who runs the radio station at your school. Does that mean all your connections should be from college?
Anybody can be your connection and that doesn’t constrict you with college mates. If being in the radio is your dream, then, family members are not out of the option. The last thing that you want to do is twirl your fingers around as you wait for someone to hand you everything that you want in life. Don’t you ever wait for the opportunities instead, run after them! This is the actual value of internships as well as being a last ditch effort when you need a job. This applies to all jobs, but especially those involving the radio field.
Have Something To Say
This will be your fuel once you finally get into the field. The thing that most people are attracted to is passion, and you need to have this dripping from your ears. What matters to you? How can you take that passion and wrap it around multiple subjects? For most on the radio, this is something political or news and you will never run out of conversational points.
Another thing to keep in mind is how to tailor your message throughout everything. For example, many talk show hosts wants to discuss something that seems easily attainable and relatable to the masses such as removal of health care policies or simpler taxation laws. Having a niche is almost as important as having a voice, but if you land correctly with what the general populace wants to hear, then, you hit it.
Have A Great Idea That Needs To Be Heard
One of the worst things that could happen is for you to come on air and a huge drop of listeners happen. One way to keep listeners on is with new information. Your commentary should infuse with what you are trying to talk about in a way that is smooth and appealing. A great idea needs to be heard – so, talk about it.
These are just some of the things that you should keep in mind to survive the radio world. Good luck in chasing your dream and try to keep the radio alive for as long as possible.…