How come there are people who connect so well with their audience over the radio? I spent years wondering about this myself, and I think I was able to break down their success into three essential parts: the DJ’s voice, his views on the matters discussed and the message behind it are three things that help them connect well with their audience. The mind consists of a variety of stuff such as their opinions, thoughts ad etc that makes them appealing to their listeners. Their voice and the message are two things that are relatively self-explanatory, but read on as we break these components down into detail.
The Mind

This is what helps every host connect with their audience on an emotional scale. As much as we hate to admit it, we tend to listen to people that we think have the same opinions as us. The better that they are at expressing this, the more likely that you will attract more fans of the same mindset. There are both benefits and disadvantages to this.
There is no true way for you to connect with an audience besides being yourself. This is why people will say that it is better for you to be yourself than to play a character on radio. Now, if you have a valid persona in mind, then, it is best to let it be known to your fans that you are just playing a character. In that way, they’ll understand that it’s not your personal thoughts. Trust me, misleading your fans will only come to bite you in the rear long term.
The Voice

This is the handshake in the world of radios. It is a good chance that fifty percent of your fan base only gave you a shot because of your voice. People with accents tend to be favored than those without unless you are great with delivering the content. Most likely, you would not have gotten past the front door if your voice sounds like crap.
While you cannot control how your voice sounds like, you can modulate. Aside from that, you can eliminate filler words such as “like” or “um” that people unconsciously say. These “sounds” tend to grate on the listener’s ears which only equate to lower ratings. Extending your vocabulary is a huge plus too because you never want it to get to the point where your listeners can guess what you are going to say next. Last, but not least, try to have a quotable moment every time that you get on the radio as this will help your viewers spread your sense of self and humor around on the internet.
The Message

The message is the crucial thing. It is the glue in your entire production. You are going to need to find a way to put your personality, voice, and mind in the message. This is what the listeners are tuning in for, and there should always be something new that you can offer on the topic. Find out about your message from different sources.
Once you can achieve a way to entwine all three of these things, you will rise in the ranks further than most could ever dream of Good luck and try to put a bit of passion in everything that you do.